Monday, April 23, 2012

Dethroning the Queen

Thanks to everyone who helped out by returning their baby bottles!  Your donations will make a great and positive impact!

What a great speaker Alicia Sheppard was!  She discussed 3 areas in which we can work on unity as women; her main points dealt with :

1) Conflict: can result in division instead of unity.  She stated that gossping is 'demonic' and of the enemy. 
2) Cliques: staying within our comfort zones 'safe zone' our friends, can prevent us from interacting with others. 
3)  Competition: it can be harmful to compare ourselves to other women/mothers.  We may feel inadequate.  Who said we had to be the best? 

Thanks to the Trillion table for hosting!  The Heart table will be hosting at our last meeting on May 3rd.  We have 1 more meeting left!

You are invited to attend a 'Women's Tea' on May 5th at 11: 30am at Laveen Baptist Church.  Charge is $5 per ticket.  No childcare provided. 
click here for more info:

Laveen Baptist Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School on June 11-15 please go here to sign up

Have a blessed week!  See you May 3rd!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Motherhood is a Calling"

It was so great seeing so many of you at our April 5 meeting!  Our guest speaker Tracy K. Carson was an amazing speaker!  She did such a great job in helping us realize that 'Motherhood is a Calling".    What a concept!  I hope you all enjoyed listening to her words of assurance.   If you are interested in getting in contact with her here is her info:

Professional Counseling Associates

Thanks so much to those moms who took a 'Baby bottle' home to help support the fundraising efforts of the 'Crisis Pregnancy Center'.  Please return your bottle at our next meeting on April 19.  

We hope many of you can join us for our 'girl time' on Saturday, April 21 from 6pm-8pm.  It's going to be a fun and relaxing evening!  

Have a blessed week!